Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Friday January 30th 2009

New Mexico is dry.... very dry. The soil looks just like it normally does in a desert. We need the snow now. It has not snowed much this winter ...yet... The winter is far from over and even if it is warm now, no one never knows, it can still snow.

Above is the reason to why we cannot use the VoIP technology for phones anymore. Sometimes the internet is terribly slow, but most often the speed is actually quite ok.

Even though we didn't get much snow this winter the slope is open. We see the lifts from our drive way.

I am still amazed at the minimalistic beauty out here. The nature inspires to art and gives us an enormous sense of harmony. It is quite peaceful.... every day!!

I do not know what kind of grass this is. If you know please send me a comment. It is the coolest grass, the top is like a feather but very rigid and harsh, almost like a steel brush. In the mornings and at night when the sun sits low, I can stand frozen in time and just look at the play of light in the grass.

Here a wider view, and below a little trick with soft ware.... just a dream of summer and chlorophyll .....

Wednesday January 28th 2009

This Wednesday morning I took the camera with me when I walked with Birk and Gucci to Birk's school bus. It comes at 8.10 in the morning which is perfect because we never have to wake up before the sun rises. Above is Birk just outside the door. He is very lucky - the bus makes a stop right by our driveway. Our driveway is long for being a driveway though, it's more like a dirt road leading up to the road.

Birk is the first one to get on as we live the furthest away from school on this bus route (#37). After Birk is on the drivers turn around since our road dead ends right here.
I continue on with Gucci's morning walk. It is so beautiful and quite out here. The photos can never wholly capture the peace and quite out here. If you want to look at an image larger just click away. I do not have a pro-camera nor am I a photographer but I am sure you agree that nature is amazing, so few colors and yet such a radiant beauty.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tuesday January 27th 2009 in San Pedro Creek

This is a blog about Gucci's family. We have just moved into a lovely house in San Pedro Creek in New Mexico. We will try to upload at least some images every week, and maybee even write a little now and then about our life here in the High Desert.

Gucci doesn't like cold weather. He was born in Arizona and Italian Greyhounds doesn't have much fur either, and these two facts combined makes up for an individual who rather stays indoors as long as it is winter and cold.

This is a view of how it looks like out here in San pedro Creek. The Mountains are part of the Sandias. Sandia actually means water melon in Spanish and if you are at the other side of the mountains, in Albuquerque, the mountains have the colors of the water melon every night at sun set.

This winter has been very dry. No snow today January 27th, but it is cold. It has been down as low as to 11F (- 12C) in the early mornings acouple of days. The sun warms up the days though and in the afternoons it is a more comfortable 55 (+13C) or so. This is quite typical for inland high desert climate. Big differences between night and day temperatures.

Our lot is big. 10 acres (40648 m2) most of it is white and yellow grasses, cactae of all kinds and PiƱon and Junipers as the green colors on the palette. It's very minimalistic in colors but oh so beautiful. Photos never does reality justice. The walks with Gucci are such a pleasure fo the eye in a very kind way. Below is Prickle pear cactus. Even the cactae are dry and thirsty for water this year.