Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wednesday January 28th 2009

This Wednesday morning I took the camera with me when I walked with Birk and Gucci to Birk's school bus. It comes at 8.10 in the morning which is perfect because we never have to wake up before the sun rises. Above is Birk just outside the door. He is very lucky - the bus makes a stop right by our driveway. Our driveway is long for being a driveway though, it's more like a dirt road leading up to the road.

Birk is the first one to get on as we live the furthest away from school on this bus route (#37). After Birk is on the drivers turn around since our road dead ends right here.
I continue on with Gucci's morning walk. It is so beautiful and quite out here. The photos can never wholly capture the peace and quite out here. If you want to look at an image larger just click away. I do not have a pro-camera nor am I a photographer but I am sure you agree that nature is amazing, so few colors and yet such a radiant beauty.

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